Well, my new blog starts a new phase in our lives - our eldest two children going to school.
There were lots of reasons behind this, and I do think that now is the right time. I had always thought in the back of my mind that they may go to High School, and it was intended that we would think about it when B was due to start High School (yes yes I know its called secondary school but old habits die hard) but before this time J was diagnosed with Epilepsy, our world, at the time, seemed to be turned upside down, and I foolishly made a rash decision to send them to primary school (at the time J was having regular seizures and we hardly left the house, so I thought it would be better for the older two to be at school) but it didn't quite work out, we were not prepared, they were not ready, and now I find out its once of the crappiest primary schools in the County!
So, with a bad taste of school in our mouths, by the time B would have been due to start High School, we decided no way!
Having now calmed down a bit, and our lives have settled (slightly) we have been considering it again.
So, they are in school, and, they are enjoying it. I am well aware that the novelty will soon wear off, but will deal with that problem when it arises.
Yesterday it was "Mentor" day - you do not have form teacher, you have Mentors. So the children had a day off and we all went to see their Mentors. Both are doing really well, and they have stuck them in the top, lower group, (there are three groups, top middle low and each of these has a higher/lower (said in a Bruce Forsyth voice) group, so they are in the lower of the high group - and they are doing fine. Fingers up to anyone who has ever said that home ed kids are way behind at High School level.
They get quite a bit of homework, but most of it isn't hard, just time consuming, so both Hubbie and I help them out with this.
At the moment my parents are still living with us, so it is a bit hectic, and also we now have two extra cats, two fish and a budgie to add to the noise.
Rugby season is now well on its way, first game home was a 75-7 score to us, and it was Hubbies first game as coach.
J - well he doesn't seem to miss them as much as I thought, he is having lots of fun with me, but he has also been under the weather recently, and has been quite happy to stay in his PJ's all day long, playing with his toys and watching Cbeebies. When I feel more confident with leaving them at school, and I feel I do not need to drop everything and run and get them, we will venture out more.
Lou x