Thursday 29 August 2013

Autumn is just around the corner, my favourite season, Halloween, Bonfire Night, Christmas Preparation, the rugby season starts and of course lots of planning for the new term.

I have sorted out work books for the older two, plus past exam papers and specifications for B who is aiming to take at least on iGCSE next year.  I also spent £10 on about £80 worth of workbooks from the charity shop, so definitely sorted for the next couple of years in that respect.

Now on to my little one, who is now 6 years old.  I had a letter through from the LEA inquiring about his education, and apparently now some of us can do our reports over the phone. What made me laugh though, when I read out the letter to M,  J was really chuffed that he is in Year 2.

My plans for J will be put into action this September, especially as he likes to follow his older siblings lead, so even though his education will be strongly following the child led approach, I will be throwing in a bit of structure here and there for him to feel that he is a "proper Year 2".

He loves to do science experiments, so am starting a science jar, so he can pick out an experiment as needs be, and this way I can make sure that I have all the ingredients.

First experiment to go on this list, is one I found on one of my blog subscriptions at An Ordinary Life, involves sweets so I think it will be a hit.

The older two are studying biology, so am going to do a little Human Body project for J that they can also help him with.

History - M has just made J a wooden castle, just out of MDF, pringle tubes and magnolia paint mixed with black poster paint, marker pen, screws (obviously) and a bit of string..  He was off for two days, so they both set to work and this is the end result.

I think this is brilliant, much better than any you could buy.

Consequently J wants to visit a Castle, so I think a little Castle project could be in order too.

As for the other stuff, maths and english and all that, he has workbooks, games, cbeebies, internet games, learning to read books with little puzzles at the back which he loves amongst other things.

Have to squeeze Geography in as it is my favourite subject, so will be looking at maps, and also a country study each week, or couple of weeks, depending on how long the interest lasts - may even only be for one day.

So this is my task for the next few days - prepare J's Home Ed plan.

Other Stuff

Autumn Cleaning  - no time like the present to start, as we have a guest staying over today, plus visitors on Friday so will have to be extra tidy anyway.  Have already started with the oven - we have two ovens but the bottom part is not working properly, which may be due to the fact that it needs a good clean, or it needs fixing.  So now it is spotless, and although I do not like using harsh chemicals, it seemed I had to this time to get the oven clean.
Also have had a de-clutter, books, clothes, CD's., although having recently got a stereo system from freecycle which has a tape deck, will now be cluttering up the place with old tapes.

Freecycle - I just love it - have so far collected a meaner than mean hoover that is ace at picking up cat hair (white cat and green carpet = white carpet) also a hanging clothes rail from Ikea and this evening M is collecting  a TV!

Lots of people put "wanted" on their posts, for all sorts of things - I haven't done that yet, and have only offered one item, a big one though, a dishwasher.  Thinking about asking for a flux capacitor next time I sign on there - you never know!

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