Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Almost There

Almost finished preparing for the start of term next week, and its only taking me a few hours each morning before everyone wakes up (advantages of going to bed at 9am (ish) means you wake up ready to start the day at 5am, when everyone else is still sleeping).

Having sorted out Maths and English for my older two, I have now found the relevant sites needed for Biology, plus I picked up a Biology revision book in the charity shop yesterday for 60p.

Sites they will be using:-

For B, Biology will be once a week on a Wednesday, as she will be mainly concentrating on Maths and English for this year.

B will need to be studying 6 hours of Maths and English each a week towards her exam next June, and she will be drawing up her own study plan and times for this.

D will be splitting his studying hours equally between Maths, English and Biology preferring that I work out his study plan, which will be 4 hours Maths and English each and 2 for Biology.

I have also given them a list of books to read in addition to their own choice, and am encouraging them to read this every afternoon, before X boxes, Facebook TV, Chart shows etc as well as making sure they read before they go to bed.

Plus they will have to keep persevering with the boring old copy writing every day, as well as  a weekly spelling test.

Lou x

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