Poor baby - he was incredibly brave.
The rest of the week we have all been looking after him, then on Wednesday he celebrated his 4th Birthday,
We didn't go out for the day as originally planned because he still wasn't feeling up to it, but we did go to my parents house for a fab birthday tea and he insisted on playing musical statues
Opening presents in the morning
Dalek Cake - made by Mike
Playing with his new castle
Blowing out the candles - exterminate!
Enjoying the cream from the trifle from his party tea
Waiting to blow out the candles on his second cake of the day
Musical Statues
The rest of the week was mainly spent indoors and also James had to go to the docs again as he had a temperature. Checked him over and he had a sore throat, bit chesty and his ear hasn't quite cleared up yet - poor mite.
Mike was off this weekend, got lots of housework done while he looked after James, you wouldn't believe the state the house was in after not really doing anything for a week.
Had a nice lunch at my parents house today, but am slightly anxious as I have found the poisonous plant Hemlock in my own garden and also in my parents too - another thing for me to get uptight about :-(
So - Home Ed - has pretty much stopped since last weekend, all exhausted from the worry and upset of James's op. We normally have our summer holiday break during the months of June and July, so give a few days, we are now officially on a break.
Am planning on Becky and Danny doing maths and English online games once a day every day (well not weekends) during the break.
I have managed to get my HE report ready for our visit next month, we have a new inspector, sorry, they are now called advisers, so will see what this one is like.
Hope you all have a wonderful, stress free, healthy, non -hemlock, happy week.
Lou x