Tuesday 30 October 2012

Happy Halloween

Well, it is quite early in the morning, but having taken my youngest son to bed at 8pm and snuggled beside him, I then, along with my hubby, fell asleep until gone 12, waking only briefly each time my older two came in to say "night night".

So now I am awake, and am really really hungry - I may just wake Hubby up and have a midnight feast, or a half past two feast.

Anyway, quickly posting about my thoughts on Halloween,  because over the years we have struggled with our consience about celebrating Halloween - mainly because of what other Christians have stated about it being an "evil devil worshiping cult type festival". 

 I dont think my children will become devil worshipers if they go out trick or treating, my older two haven't yet, and we have had such fun participating in the festival, and also it does bring local communties together.  (Egg throwing at windows from hooded youths excluded from this of course).

From Loyola Press

"Kids love holidays. Many parents do too. Holidays, such as Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Valentine's Day, remind us how special life is. They remind us that there's more to life than work and obligations, that life should be cherished and enjoyed. Catholics believe that God is present in all things and in all times. That means that every day on the calendar presents another opportunity to encounter and celebrate the presence of God in our lives. Holidays, whether specifically religious or not, are excellent times to engage in special activities and rituals that help us not only to observe the spirit of the day but also to make a connection between the holiday and our faith."

So, just thought I would say - we haven't turned to the dark side, just having good old fashioned family fun (now, where is that farm animal I need to sacrifice under the light of the moon for this evening then drink its blood.....)

1 comment:

  1. I am amazed at how sniffy people get about Halloween. If people didn't want kids knocking on their door and demanding sweets with menace, they wouldn't put out pumpkins and answer their door. So there. You go for it.
