Friday 31 May 2013

Parks, Pools and Poo from the Sky

Its been a good week so far, and with the weather forecast continuing to predict more hot weather, looking forward to a good weekend too.

Starting the week off with torrential rain putting  an end to our family bike ride outing, having just all bought new helmets too.

The next day there was a slight break in the bad weather so we took J over to the park on his bike, complete with new helmet, knee and elbow pads

Shortly after this photo was taken, his had a massive crash which saw him and the other lad tangled in a heap on the floor  along with their bikes - after that there seemed to be something wrong with the brakes on the bike, so we headed off home, just in time before the rain started again!

On Thursday the weather was glorious, so I took J to the library and the park, along with my Dad who was off for the day, stopping off of course to one of J;s favourite cafe's for a milkshake, this time butterscotch flavour.

In the afternoon we all went to the park, after the older two spent the morning studying, to chill out beside the pool.

B got a bit wetter than she expected

Today I took J into the City Centre, along with my Dad, while the older two had a day to themselves, first stop the local Uni grounds for a walk, and of course a latte at the cafe

Onto town afterwards, first thing - get my Dad another shirt, something pooped on him from above (he was near a tree) I thought it may have been a squirrel, but after googling squirrel poo images I realised it must have been an extremely large bird. I really couldn't stop laughing all day.

We met M after he finished work and took J to the museum for an art session - he had to look at all the pictures in the gallery and decide what he would like to do.  Thankfully they had landscapes, some with houses, and as houses are his favourite subject, this is what he decided to concentrate on.  His picture is now on the museum young peoples website.

I love the sheep!

We also paid a visit to the park

Also this week B and D have been getting on really well with their studying, especially maths, which they both really seem to be enjoying at the moment. 
For English they are continuing to study from their workbooks as well as copy writing and lots and lots of reading.
 Hoping that next week they will make a start on the Play Scripts - Othello for D and An Inspector Calls for B.  D has now finished The Hobbit and will start on The Lord of the Rings series next.  B is reading Romeo and Juliet as well as The Railway Children.

J has been learning his ABC's through various books.  It try to sit with him for ten minutes a day to go through one of his Alphabet books, B has been helping too

He has also been making lots and lots of tissue paper pictures

Along with all the jigsaws, Lego, dressing up, and role play, this is pretty much Home Education for J.

Looking forward to the weekend, lots planned, but will it actually be too hot and muggy to do much?! 

Typical English weather  - from one extreme to another :-)

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