Monday 13 February 2012

All plans of gardening went out the window in the morning because it was raining, and very cold. James, however, thought differently about it being too cold and rainy and insisted on playing basketball out in the garden.

As my older schoolies had to do their homework, James wanted to do "school work" too.  So we picked a few worksheets from his printables, with a Cars and Toy Story - taken from Pre-School Packs at 1 plus 1 plus1 equals 1  He also did some scissor work and shapes

Then it was painting time

(I did the black clouds)

Homework was done, just a few loose ends to tie up before next week, and a nice surprise in the post from the school to say that Becky had been doing exceptionally well in her French Class.

I wish I could say that the rest of the day went well, but it didn't really.  We had a few fall outs, it seemed that each child decided to stress me out at various times of the day in a continuous stream.  Then I got a call asking could someone view the house on Tuesday (Mikes day off and family time) and I knew I couldn't turn it down, but it also meant a major house tidy in the evening.

So just before bed time I had a major melt.  Mike was on a split shift which didn't help as I had no support, but thankfully we all made up before bedtime and they all snuggled in bed with me.

No cups of tea were thrown - at all :-)

Alls well that ends well.
Lou x

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