Thursday 16 February 2012

A Day in the Life of Me

I noticed that a some of my other blog reads having been posting "A Day in the Life of Me"   so I thought I would do the same, but do it for a week, as I am trying to get into proper routinese, especially with James now the children are at school, and although we have some kind of routine going on, I feel it needs tweaking.

So today Thursday 16th February 2012 (11 days til my Birthday).

5.30am      I awake. 
5.45am      Mike;s alarm goes off, he gets up for work.  Brings me the laptop and a milky coffee
6am          James wakes up, Laptop goes off. 

I then get up with James, Mike leaves for work, I find something for James to watch on the TV while I start on the first lot of laundry.  I then feed the cats, make a cup of tea for James and me, then make a start on breakfast, (leaving the part out about being short of milk) and now Danny is up.

So while the boys are eating their breakfast and watching cartoon X-men, I clean up the spaghettie that fell out of the cupboard onto my head (this is because I was trying to stop the vinegar bottle from falling on my head - spagetti was the lighter option).  James of course wanted to play with the dried spaghetti, therefore the said spaghetti was spread from the kitchen, through the dining room and into the living room.

I then hoover, not usually something I do this time of the morning (it is now around 8) but we have a spaghetti carpet.

James has his meds around 8.30am, once this has been done I feel 85% more relaxed and ready to face the day, the spaghetti incident behind me.

I go upstairs, and leave the boys playing Gladiators.  I make a start on putting the laundry away whilst watching Fraiser.  In the meantime Becky wakes up, plonks herself on my bed and watches Fraiser too.

Home Delivery Shopping is due from 9-11 and I have based our morning around it arriving at 10.55, like it normally does.  In the middle of me putting away clothes, the door bell rings.  Its 8.55 - Tesco shopping, would you Adam and Eve it is early.

I put all the shopping away and then attempt to help James get dressed,  He is still under the weather and full of cold.  He is also tired as he was very upset at not seeing much of his Dad yesterday because Mike was on a split, and in between his shifts he had to get the exhaust fixed as it went that morning.  Consequently Mike was home for a mere 20 minutes yesterday. So, James stayed up late to wait up for him.

This didnt look good for a day shopping for clothes in Exeter, so I snuggled up in bed with James and he had a nap, waking up.....  .  So I looked at my emails, checked my online banking and blog hopped.

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