Saturday 11 February 2012

Muddy Puddles

Braved the weather yesterday to go to the library, and had to stop on the way there and back for James to jump in the puddles

We stayed in the library for a while, James starts off getting out all the Dr Who and Sarah Jane books, then he goes to the opposite end of the scale and gets out of the baby touch and feel books.  Then it is over to the teenage section to get out loads of comic strip books, until finally settling on books suitable for his own age (while I run around behind him picking up the books he has discarded, and putting the inappropriate ones back on the shelf - how can a visit to the library be so exhausting - oh yeah - I have a 4 year old!)

He did also pick out some educational ones, about sharks.  He has a great fascination for sharks, which is funny because Danny did too when he was around this age.   Must arrange a visit to one of the local sea-life centres very soon.

Got home, with only one mini melt down under my belt (incident in Tesco Metro) had our lunch,read some of the books and then watched the old old Dr Who (Tom Baker).

Later we made chocolate fairy cakes with butter icing, which went down a treat.  He does like helping out in the kitchen, not just baking cakes, but helping out with meals.  Earlier in the week he made a pizza

Looking forward to lots of home baked treats over the next week as it is half term which means Becky will be baking.

Mike hasn't taken this week off for the school holidays, so we are just planning on staying at home. 
We do however, have to brave the crowds in Exeter to get some clothes for my ever growing daughter.  Having cleared her wardrobe because she has grown to tall for her clothes, she now has one outfit left that is decent and I have a dining room full of black bin liners ready for charity.
Once payday comes round next week we will be making a big dent in it to clothe my poor little girl who has no clothes to wear (unless she wants to wear her school uniform).  Seriously though, she has literally grown out of everything, even shoes.

Now - must clear up a bowl of rice krispies that seems to have spread across the whole of the living room.
Lou x

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