Wednesday 23 May 2012

Here comes the sun (do do do do) and I say its alright

So say the Beatles and I agree.  Its been a scorcher again today and not before time too.  Also as the song said, it has been a long cold winter (well it said lonely as well, but I haven't been lonely) and I didn't realise just how much I missed glorious sunny days like today.

Of course its not ideal for me right now, as I have a lot of sorting and packing to do with our impending move, but as the Aliens say on the Argos advert, the sun doesn't shine on the earth for very long, so we have to make the most of it (I think they should have said the UK)  and I am darned if I am staying inside packing while it is baking outside.

Saying that I have been sorting both the garden sheds, which has been no mean feat, and going through James's outdoor toys.  So am kind of getting organised.

Now I am concentrating on my little boys birthday, which is Friday, we had a few things planned, but with the weather being so hot, we may be changing our plans for his Birthday Weekend to beach beach beach.

Onto my poor little cooped up darlings who are in school - Becky auditioned for a part in a Shakespeare play, she will find out at the end of this week how she got on, also she will be doing the 200m sprint and the Long Jump for school sports day.  Danny will be entered for the Discus of course, which he did at Athletics Club and got a PB, which is pretty good as it was only a standing throw.

Mike is working hard, he spent most of  his day off yesterday going to the tip with garden rubbish, and then out in the garden keeping James occupied (including pretending to be The Hulk, by rolling his trousers up and taking his shirt off and growling really loud - what must the neighbours think - good job we are moving) while I sorted out lots of forms, phone calls and emails to Solicitors and Estate Agents.

A lot of Art and Craft in the garden going on as well, very impressed with Mike and James's Marvel Scene

And at the end of a very tiring day, we managed to have a nice family BBQ
which = one tired little boy

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