Saturday 12 May 2012

Presentation Evening

Lovely sunny evening for it, which meant lots of the boys could play some rugby outside, once the awards had been presented.

This year Sam Hill was there to present the awards and medals.

Our team - under 12's were the last up for the Midi Section, and as Mikes first year as Coach, it  was also his  first time doing the presentation speech for the team.  I thought he did really well.

He had already decided a while back, that being the only coach (most of the other teams have two or three) for this team, he did not want to make the decision on who gets the awards, as it is a very difficult choice to make.  So he asked the regular supporters of the team, and the team themselves.

Thankfully, Danny received the award for Best Tackler, much deserved I think, but then I would say that being is mum and all.

Two other awards where presented, Player of the Year, and Most Improved Player.

One of our lads also picked up the Midi Section Player of the Year, which Mike did nominate, and a surprise for Mike as well, as the team picked up Team of The Year award, for the whole Junior Section.

So a very successful night in all.

Mike starting out on the Mike  (well I thought that was funny ...)

Danny receiving his Best Tackler trophy from the Chairman, and the cup from Sam Hill

Photo of the team with their Team of the Year Cup
 Photo of the team with their Team of the Year Cup, and their little mascot - James
 It was so nice as all the team shouted over to him to be in the photo with them, and then one of them handed him the cup to hold

and here he is again looking cute in his club shirt and tie
Danny with his Cup and Trophy (he gets to keep the Trophy, the Cup has to go back next year)

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