Wednesday 16 May 2012

Sell sell sell!

On Saturday we got up quite early and started on clearing the crap rubbish out of the back garden, with the help of a man with a van  - aka my Dad.

Mike did most of the heavy work of course, and Danny, James and myself helped them out too. It was all done by lunchtime, which meant we could sit in the garden, in the lovely sunny weather, and have our lunch.

Not long before we were up and out again, cleaning the house for viewers in the afternoon, one couple on their second viewing (hopeful?!)

We decided to go into Exeter for a few things, Becky deciding to stay at my parents house. Danny and James wanted to buy caps for a toy gun that I had bought in a charity shop for 15p, which we managed to get, and Mike wanted to spend the vouchers he was given at the Presentation Evening.

We got home, back out into the garden again, spoilt a bit by the fact that we were tearing our hair out trying to find the gun, which we didn't find in the end,  I have a feeling that I have put it in some ridiculous place, as I often do when tidying up before a viewing, so two disappointed boys.

Sunday was a scorcher of a day, and we spent it in the garden.  Unfortunately Becky;s legs got badly burned, despite putting on lots of suncream.  She has never burned until now, but I think that is because she is normally out a lot, getting used to the rays gradually, but of course being at school instead of being home educated means that she spends most of the week indoors.  One of the bad points of being a schooly.

Anyway, she is loving it at school now, and I feel she has now adjusted to school life.  She still , well they both, get asked the same question "which do you like best, being taught at home or at school"  which really annoys them.  Both ways of teaching (although their home education was child led, not "taught" by Mike or myself) are very different, and they have said they like both, and they are glad they got to experience all that they did at home when they were younger, and they are enjoying school now that they are older.

Stupid question anyway.

So, both are joining the athletics club, Becky for running (extremely fast) Danny for throwing (extremely good) and also Becky has joined the Drama group and  is auditioning for a part in a play.

Onto Monday - back at school, time for James and me to do stuff together, but he wasn't feeling very well, very chesty and under the weather.  This called for a film and Doritos's - the film being 101 Dalmatians, which he loved.

Second viewers called with another offer, way below our already way below what it should be price - offer declined.
Called back and upped it by another grand, still not enough (when you say offers over,it does not mean offers way under).

Tuesday - day off for Mike, he played Lego with James for most of the day, while I caught up with the housework, James still feeling a bit ugh.    We managed to pop out for lunch in a lovely local cafe which do meaner than mean milkshakes with ice cream, which James loves and I love finishing off.

Once the kids were home from school we did venture out in the garden, but not for long as it was very cold, a good 10 degrees colder than the weekend.


Home Ed Group - lovely weather again.  James had a great time, I had a laugh and a chat and only time for one coffee and two biscuits.  Estate Agents rang - another low offer from the same peeps again - been very firm this time and said no.  Will wait and see now.


Nature walk with our Nature Spotting sheets with James - weather is looking OK for now, but that could well change - then later - to the Cinema to watch The Avengers.

Tomorrow - cinema to see The Avengers - cool.

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