Friday 18 May 2012

Nature Trail, The Avengers and House SOLD

Yesterday morning we got on the early supermarket bus to try and get a bit of essential clothes shopping in as we had plans for the rest of the day. Essentials as in pants socks, school shoes and cute top and jeans for James.

As the bus only stops at the shop for 15 minutes before going off and returning an hour later, we decided to have a bit of brekky in the cafe, while James read his magazine and I looked at the Properties for Rent page in the local paper.

Once home James got his exploring gear on, as in ruck sack and baseball cap, and we headed out for a Nature Trail with our spotting sheets.  It was raining a little, but it wasn't too cold, James thought it made it more of an adventure, especially as we stopped off at the pound shop to get him a large magnifying glass

Here he is looking cute under his umbrella ella ella

Onto the park, stopping to watch a game of Bowls

Time for a play

Then it got just a bit too wet

So home to stick his nature finds onto his sheet

In the afternoon he was so excited about seeing The Avengers that he insisted on having a nap, so he wouldn't be tired for the film.

It was a really great film, and probably has gone to the top of my fav film list above Star Wars. Captain America had nothing to do with this of course (just like Hans Solo had nothing to do with Star Wars being my once fav film) ;-)

Slightly weird moment when Mike looked at me in the darkness of the cinema  - he looked like Iron Man (Robert Downey Jnr)

Maybe if I dyed his hair and beard black......
Anyway, moving on, he nice thing was that all of us enjoyed it, and it was good that all of us were at the Cinema together, not often that you get a film that all your children like.

So lovely evening, even though we got a flat on the way home, which Mike changed, Normally that would be fine, but with three tired kids in the car who are hyped up on sweets and fizz - just got a bit stressful that's all I'm sayin.

Onto today

James was feeling a bit poorly, so just nipped out so he could get his Avengers Magazine, he just looks so cute when he gets the money out of his Ben 10 wallet and pays for it himself, and he always gets a receipt you know.

Rest of the day was spent with him watching films and playing Lego, while I rang Estate Agents, solicitors etc.  At around five to five I speak with the Estate Agents and we finally agree on a price.

Bit scared now, moving house is a big upheaval.  Oh well, onwards and upwards, as they say.

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